Working-from-home provides a boost for artificial grass
13 July 2022
AMI Consulting, Bristol, 14/07/22 – AMI Consulting has published the nineth edition of its authoritative report on the Synthetic Turf market. The market grew strongly in 2021 despite global supply issues.
Leisure and landscape applications were the highlight of the market in 2021. Many consumers, confined to their homes, focussed on home and garden improvements and installed artificial grass to give an uplift to their gardens and provide better space for their children to play. Artificial turf plays a key role in providing attractive outdoor surfaces but also supports water conservation as well as reduced maintenance requirements. Product developments and improved routes to market are helping drive up product awareness and market penetration.
Artificial turf sports pitches as endorsed by the governing bodies of various sports have a proven ability to provide a playing surface that can withstand higher intensity usage than natural grass thus enabling more sports participation and often more revenue opportunities for the pitch owner. With the finances of many clubs having taken a battering from Covid-19 this ability to access more income streams is a distinct attraction to pitch owners, on the other hand costs are rising as end-of-life tyre waste, used frequently in combination with long pile artificial grass, is the focus of environmental concern and is being displaced by elastomeric and natural products.
A key feature of the industry over the last two years has been the significant amount of M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) with several key players involved including TenCate, Sports and Leisure Group (SLG), Victoria Carpets, Recreational Group and Controlled Products.

The industry continue to invest in increased manufacturing capabilities with both Bellinturf and CC Grass building new plants in Vietnam (free of both import duties and tariffs to the US). In addition Bellinturf also opened a large factory in 2022 in Mexico near the US border.
The different components in an artificial grass system use a variety of polymers including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), nylon, polyurethane (PU), SBR (usually in the form or tyre waste), latex and thermoplastic elastomers.
Artificial Grass - The Global Market 2022 was published in May 2022 by AMI Consulting
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