Global Masterbatch Dataset

Global Masterbatch Dataset

What is Global Masterbatch Dataset?

  • Our Global Masterbatch Dataset offers comprehensive demand and production data for black, white, colour, and additive masterbatches by region and country. It includes historic, current, and forecast volumes for thermoplastic masterbatches, with breakdowns by 14 polymer types and multiple end-use applications.

    For nearly 40 years, we have stayed focused on our downstream plastics niche: our data is robust, our methodology has integrity, and our expertise is unmatched.

Benefits to you?

  • Why is our data different?

    Our data helps you navigate the constantly changing masterbatch industry, and provide insights into areas of growth within various industry sectors.

    Furthermore, key market developments and trends are explained, to help you define your strategic focus. Our data is researched from both top-down and bottom-up methods and verified directly with the industry:

    • Top-down: producer numbers, trade statistics, industry data, interviews with polymer producers and distributors.

    • Bottom-up: 5,000 interviews are carried out each year with plastics processors and OEMs to gather information from various art of the supply chain, including resin suppliers, compound and masterbatch producers, and processors.
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  • What's included in the data?

    Masterbatch types: Black, white, colour and additive


    Application sectors: Agriculture, automotive and transport, building and infrastructure, consumer goods, domestic appliances, electrical and electronics, flexible consumer packaging, flexible industrial packaging, furniture, medical, rigid consumer packaging, rigid industrial packaging, toys, and others.

    The data can be tailored to include your specific information needs (masterbatch type, region).

    • Global Masterbatch Dataset enquiry form

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      What data are you interested in?

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  • Geographical scope

    Geographical scope
    Data is available for each country within the following continents:

    • Africa: East, West, North, South & Central
    • Asia: Australasia, North-East Asia, South-East Asia
    • Europe: Western, Central, Eurasian states
    • Indian sub-continent
    • Middle East: GCC, Non-GCC
    • North America
    • South & Central America
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