High Barrier Flexible Films for Food Packaging - The Global Market
Market Report

High Barrier Flexible Films for Food Packaging - The Global Market

  • High Barrier Flexible Films - The Global Market

    Food packaging is one of the largest and most important global markets for flexible films, which require sufficient barrier properties to protect, preserve, and extend the shelf-life of the packed products.

    Developing sufficient barrier at appropriate cost is complex, challenging and an array of solutions are available.

    With the growing body of sustainability legislation and the drive towards mono-material solutions, further challenges and opportunities for the industry abounds.

    The industry needs to understand where to focus R&D and investment for future growth.

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How can this report practically support your business?

  • Markets

    Understand current and future demand by substrate, barrier type, region and end-use application.

  • Legislation

    Explore the impact of legislation (current and impending) and the drive to mono-material solutions

  • Opportunities

    Identify opportunities across the high barrier landscape with new technologies and novel solutions.

Report specification

  • Product Scope

    The study covers high barrier flexible films (films less than 50 microns thick with barrier providing an OTR of less than 10cc/m2/day) by substrate (PE, BOPP, CPP, BOPET, BOPA and other) and by barrier type.

    Barrier scope

    Metallised films, EVOH films and coatings, PVdC films and coatings, AlOx/SiOx coatings, other.

  • End-use scope

    Dehydrated foods & cereal, snack foods, beverages, meat & fish, dairy, bakery, confectionery, other foods.

    Data points

    The study provides data in tonnes for the following years: 2018, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2028.

  • Geo scope

    Geographical scope

    The regional breakdown of this market is:

    • China
    • Japan
    • Indian sub-continent
    • other Asia-Pacific
    • Middle East & Africa
    • Europe
    • North America
    • South America

Meet the authors

  • SO

    Susannah Sudwell, Consultant

    Susannah has worked in the packaging industry for over 20 years. Since rejoining AMI in 2017 she has worked to develop and grow our consulting offering within both thin wall packaging and biax films.

  • AJE

    Andrea Jenn, Consultant

    Andrea has an extensive background in packaging and FMCG, beginning her career in food trade publishing. Since 2018, she has worked on our flexible film portfolio specialising in high barrier films, BOPET, BOPP, Cast PP and Sustainability.

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